Monday, April 02, 2012

Something Fun

Bikes are fun and so is this yellow and red wheel!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Something I Made

Turns out that I don't make a lot of things or at least none that are lasting or recognizable. So, here is a picture of the scrapbook that I made for Eric in a rushed evening before Eric was ambulanced off to Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Ambulanced" is not a word. Too bad. I used it anyway.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Faceless Self-Portrait

Today, Tuesday, is a Faceless Self-Portrait. So, below are my glasses and the opposite of my face: the back of my head.

Something New

This is a vinyl tablecloth I purchased for my Grandma Rose. She used to have the "changing of the cloth" whenever the season or feeling dictated one occur. She never had the chance to use it and while cleaning out my grandparents' house this weekend, I came across this and decided I would use it in my home in her honor.


Technology. This one didn't thrill me but I found some! The circles are rewritable DVDs and the green is the LCD tv screen. Two technologies in one, but really in three! Since it was taken with a digital camera. Well, in four. I loaded the photos using a laptop. Wait, in five. This is all being posted on the Internet. Beat that Tiger Woods, a hole-in-five!

Childhood Memory

I have had this Bubblicious tin since I was a young girl. I have no idea where it came from or how to came to be in my possession. I also don't remember if it came full of gum or not. But now it contains a few very badly taken photos, some notes, and other scraps of memory that I don't recall. I have always loved this tin and the secrets I kept in it (something about having a crush on a boy named Ryan).

Someone I love

I love many people but I am choosing to post a photo of the person I love that I am currently with.... The Boy! Norris is also in the photo. This is an older picture because Eric wouldn't let me take a newer one. And because Norris in the photo, I had to find one with Oreo.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Favorite Color

I used to love purples and then green came into my life. Lime green, sage green, kelly green, but not hunter green. Leukemia brought orange to the list of favorite colors. As an adult, I finally came to like pinks, but not baby pinks. I'm not light pink kind of girl. I prefer bold pinks, with hints of purple. So, here are some things that have some of my favorite colors.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This morning I didn't know if I'd be able to find any clouds. The sky was a clear blue but a few clouds showed up this afternoon. Wispy, trailing clouds covered the sky like doilies on tables. Here and there and sometimes see through.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Here is part of what I wore today. It's a standard outfit: jeans and white socks. I had already taken off my work shirt because I cooked dinner and ate. I change into my "house" shirts for cooking and eating. Otherwise, my "work" shirts become "house" shirts.

Self Portrait

Fellow blogger and very good friend, Artemis , dared me to take on a blogging challenge. It's a 30 challenge with the goal of taking a photograph of the specified item. I am doing two of the challenges in one day because I actually started this yesterday but was too sweaty to take the self portrait. :o )