Monday, January 25, 2010

The weather outside is frightful

My work is closed for the day. There may be updates at noon, but I am not going in. The weather is quite ugly outside and last I looked, no travel is advised.

So, a snow day! What to do on a Snow Day? Well, I played on Facebook already. I don't go on there much and I'm not sure why. I enjoy being able to poke around in people's lives fairly anonymously.

I am going to eat some cereal in a little while. I used to eat cereal everyday, sometimes more than one a day. Then, I just quit cereal and went nearly three months without it. Now, I am back on it. I realized the error of my non-cereal eating ways. Cereal is delicious.

I spent Saturday cleaning mold. Eric and I discovered mold on our bedroom wall. This is not sometimes we wanted to see. But I found a website from the Washington state government that gave great instructions on how to clean mold. So, we moved some furniture, picked up some stuff, I donned some gloves, a mask, and a hat. I went to town on the mold. We have decided to keep our room fairly empty in hopes of creating better air circulation. The windows have always had mold, but from what I've been reading that can occur in even energy effficient homes. So, it wasn't a big deal. Nor was the mold on the bathroom ceiling. We discovered its cause and we think the solution is some insulation in the attic.

But mold on the wall was new. So, I hope our efforts worked. We kept Eric out of the room while I did the mold removal since his immune system is compromised. After I finished, I laundered my clothes and hat. Don't want to spread the evil mold. We have a dehumidifier going constantly in our bedroom along with two fans.

The joys of homeownership! We also have two trees that must come down this spring. Eric had the tree removal guy come and look at the trees. They are beyond saving and he doesn't cut down trees in the winter. The two trees in question are cracked up the trunks. Sadly, we will be taking down the two other trees in our front yard as well. One of them is already starting to have the trunk crack and it just seems like a good idea to do them all at once. They are green ash trees and with the fear of the Ash Boar in this area, I think it's a good idea to take them down and start over. We're thinking a weeping willow and something else. Research still needs to be done as to what kind of trees thrive up here, you know in almost Canada.

That's my story!

Monday, January 11, 2010

I own hiking boots. I do not hike. But I also do not like falling on the snow and ice.

I used to own 30 pairs of jeans. I am down to maybe ten. I can wear approximately three or four pairs to work. Even those are not fabulous looking.

I hate the book I am listening on CD, but I can't stop listening. It's enchanting in a horrible way.

I love Claussen pickles and only that brand of pickles. I think they go with everything. I just really like pickles.

I love soda. It's wonderful.

I am finally reading a book again. It's been a while. I just hadn't been in the mood to be in two fantastical places at one, book on CD and book on paper. But the with the hate for the CD book, I am okay with it now.

When you work at the Mayo clinic, you have all the power and make all the rules. This I have learned. You just go with it.

It's always weird to run into people who don't know Eric has leukemia. Makes for awkward conversations.

I love green and gray together.

Eric is on his oral chemo again. He has not been feeling well. That, plus the pain from his heel spur, makes for a crabby fiance.

I had a two week period where I couldn't eat chicken. Normally, we eat boneless, skinless chicken breasts, but this time we purchased some Banquet chicken in a box. It tastes good, but I could not get the image of little tiny sparrows flying in the air out of my head. It just grossed me out. It still does a little bit, but I don't each much protein otherwise.

The movie Julie and Julia was great. It make me want to learn to cook more than I do. Then I realized, I hate almost everything and food is expensive. I think I will stick to mac and cheese. Maybe I'll get crazy and put some broccoli in it.

I received from kitchenware from my grandmother's house. I think of her each time I see the cookware. It makes me happy. It also makes me want to say "shit" since that was her favorite word. Grandma was a good one.

I feel guilty that I am was not as sad when my Grandma Doris passed away. I didn't know her as well since she never really talked. However, I still feel guilty. I would have enjoyed knowing my grandmother more, but she was so closed off sometimes.

Currently, the local Kia dealer does not have any free cars for me. I tried though.

I had a pair of pants that were wearing holes at the corners of the back pockets. I sewed them up with some fabric scraps and bright yellow thread to make it look folksy. I was going to wear the pants again another day and noticed there was a huge rip in the ass of the pants. I am not sure how long I walked around with this rip, but I hope it wasn't too long. I have enough things about me that are embarrassing without showing off my undies and not knowing it.

This is my first post of 2010 and I vow to blog more often. For me. It helps. I know this, yet I slack off. It's like insulin. I know it helps, but sometimes I forget to shoot it up. Maybe some day I'll get it down.