Friday, August 15, 2008

Things you will know

Things I Know
1. No one in this town has any faith or trust in the one hospital we have here.
2. I lost mine about a month ago.
3. I can cry and shop for a new shirt at the same time, especially when there are bodily fluids contaminated with chemo the old shirt.
4. I want to teach adults.
5. My grandmother walked around for two months with a broken hip. I knew she was tough, but damn.
6. It is okay to cry even in public, even in front of other people, and even when there is nothing to cry about.
7. Some people love a crisis and will come out of the woodwork to "help" you, but mostly to help themselves feel better and so that they can try to look good. These are dangerous people.
8. Some people are so self-absorbed that when you tell them someone is in the ICU they mention how they are getting their hair cut shorter.
9. The English language needs a gender neutral term other than "it" for he and she so that I may be grammatically correct, but still not give away information.
10. I know who Eric's true friends are even though I haven't met many of them.
11. That Orange is my new favorite color because I am going to tell everyone about leukemia.
12. That humble doctors are much more tolerable and easier to listen to than those who think they are more than human.
13. I can get stuff done. I will scream, fight for things, and push to get things down.
14. I love my parents. They are supportive and have been so great through all of this. I can't imagine what I would be like if it weren't for them. I also love them for taking my millions of calls all day long, especially when I have nothing to say but just don't want to be alone with my thoughts.
15. My parents actually love my dog. But she is cute as a button.
16. My brother may have glimpsed real life this summer.
17. I am more brash than I believed myself to be.
18. Nurses often have more attitude than doctors.
19. I can get my RN degree in two years.
20. I have thought about Med School but am unsure I am smart enough. I don't want to be a doctor who allows people to lose their faith in medicine.
21. I am not a spiritual person. Reaching heavenward to guide me through this never even occurred to me.
22. Some days you just need a drink.
23. I am not sure if it's love unless you can wipe the other person's ass.
24. Some people do not know how to talk in family waiting rooms at hospitals.
25. Caring Bridge is a wonderful organization.