Saturday, October 20, 2007

It's spelled H-O-M-E.

I'm a homeowner. I'm not quite sure I'm in love with this new title. I'd always dreamed of owning a home, except in my dreams I had ample money to decorate, to fix, add, subtract, and make the house all mine, all the time. If I wanted to switch rugs, curtains, wall color, etc. in my dreams, I did.

In reality, I have water leaking from the washing machine faucet. Both of the actual knobs to turn the water on and off, drip water, no spray water onto the floor. This is both a water hazzard and an electrical shock hazzard. I have a brand new fridge complete with water and ice maker in the door. There is a dent in that door and the water doesn't come out of the fridge. Water goes to the water filter, the copper tubing is freezing cold, but no water comes out of the fridge. I have a ceiling that needs to be painted, a spare bedroom that could use a coat of paint, dusting still left to do, paint to remove from the woodwork, mold to bleach off the window sills, hang blinds and curtain, etc.

Also, we're moving this weekend and we have had the damndest time finding help. The Boy's youngest sister and her boyfriend had offered help, which was a wonderful offer. The boyfriend is huge, 6'8" and strong look- a farm boy. He would have been wonderful with furniture. However, his sister bailed on us. That leave his older sister and her husband who cannot arrive until after 1pm. That leaves us and while I can do my portion of heavy lifting, The Boy has degenerative arthritis in his back, so while he can lift, he pays for it later on.

My parents heard this and my dad heeded the call of duty. He is driving the four hours to come help us move and will drive back the same night. My mom is staying home since she cannpt help lift, no can walk without the aid of a cane or walker. Thank you daddy!

My brother has also offered help for Sunday evening. He is going to our hometown for a wedding this weekend and will be on his way to his new apartment in another state. I hope to put him to work painting since he's earned a living by doing just that before. Maybe he can hang blinds. Some how the handy gene skipped my dad and wound up in my brother.

So, if you're into praying, sending luck, or just thinking of others when they are in need, this would be the weekend to send some good vibes. We're gonna need 'em.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


There's been some confusion with the links to the rings I put in my last post. The Boy and I are NOT engaged. He did not propose. We merely picked out rings because he wanted to know what I liked and I found the exact ring I want while we were looking. Because he had a previous fiancee, we have to spend so much money in order to receive the full credit for the original ring he purchased. Thus, we picked out his ring. As to when we're getting engaged, I have no idea. With the expenses of the house coming up, I'm not sure.

It's on.

While working, just starting a new project, the phone rang. I answered as I always do "Hello, This is Amber." The voice on the other end identified herself as my loan officer at the bank. She provided me with good news. I was approved for the final draft of the loan. The house is mine-ours!

She also was able to lock me in at a lower interest rate than previously thought. It's been a struggle to get here, to be able to say that it looks as if it shall go on as planned tomorrow. That I shall sign my life away and get keys to a house I love. The Boy and I both agreed that our visions of the inside of the house were definitely sugar-coated since we saw it last. We were so in awe that it was such a wonderful house that when we walked through for the final time before the sale, we noticed some work that needs to be done. While so far it seems to be just cosmetic work, we just didn't notice anything in our dream like state the first two times around. However, I hear that's what happens when you're in love. You don't notice the bad habits, the stuff that needs to be worked on.

So, we also bought appliances the other day. We're going to have to remove a cupboard in order to get the fridge to fit in, which we'd probably have to remove a cupboard if we wanted a normal sized fridge in the kitchen period. The height of the cabinet above the spot for the refrigerator would require us to get a very small fridge indeed, small than the one that's currently in my apartment. We say no to that. So, now I'm the proud owner of a new fridge, new stove, and dishwasher. The previous owners took the fridge and range with them, but left us with a broken dishwasher. Yea!

We also headed to the home improvement store last night to pick up paint supplies, rakes, bags, cleaning supplies, a new lock and deadbolt, and other such goodies. The expense of being a homeowner is already taking its toll. Saturday my parents and The Boy's mom are coming up to the house with us to help us clean. It will be the first time my parents meet his, and on the anniverary of the same day that The Boy and I met in real life having had internet and phone conversations prior that.

Also, I got to put on my girl and look at shiny, sparkly things last night. The Boy and I picked out our engagment and wedding rings. He said he was going to choose the one I picked out anyway and wanted to show it to me once at the store. It was great fun looking at all the shiny things and placing them on my hand, well I only tried on two. The second one being it. :) We don't know yet if we can afford the lay away plan, but we'll see in the future what comes our way.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


  • My grandmother's auction went off without a hitch, which was great news. I was there to witness the insanity that she let rule her life. I shall post a photo or two of the building in which the auction was held. It was on the fair grounds in a metal building normally meant to show off 4-H projects, quilts, tractors, and other rural, small town items- things at which one normally wins a blue ribbon. And my grandmother won all the blue ribbons that day. People who'd been to her house of stuff could only comment, "How did she get it all in there." People who had never been there said, "This all came from one house?" But everyone said "Wow" first.

  • We are eight days from closing on our house. There have been a few glitches along the way. Hopefully, things run smoothly from now on. Dealing with an FHA loan changes everything and makes it all a little more complex. Tips for those planning on purchasing houses soon. But most importantly, find a realtor and banker you like. They'll be with you every step of the way. I am trying to think of a gift for my realtor for all her hard work. I don't think I can send the banker anything but flowers.

  • I still have not rented out my apartment. I must do this in order to be able to afford the house. I am scared and beyond nervous.

  • The stuff that was abandoned by their purchasers, the stuff that didn't sell, and the empty boxes filled two large dumpsters. That does not include the last things in the basement the auctioneer said not to bring since we we're out of room and it was junk anyway. That stuff was put on the curb with a free sign.

  • Because of the leftovers I am now the proud owner of my fourth set of dishes. The Boy has a set of dishes also. We must have dinner parties in order to justify having that many plates. We also have this cute shelf, which I am excited to place somewhere in the house so I can smile when I see it- to know I rescued it from abandonment.

  • I feel no connection, no sentimental value to the items taken from my grandmother's house. They were chosen because I liked them. There is only one thing I would feel sentimental about and that is the electric organ, which my brother has. I am glad he received it and it stayed in the family.

  • More to come... but first... photos