Sunday, May 24, 2009

Word to your mother

I've decided not to attend my class reunion. A friend of mine made a point the other day by saying that she barely remembers her friends from high school let alone some random person she had a class with ten years ago. The reason I wanted to go the reunion was out of curiosity and the hope that some of my old friends would make the journey to our hometown for it. But I don't think that's going to happen. Besides, Eric will be on his oral chemo regime at that time and he doesn't feel the best during those fifteen days. I also decided that I may go to town that weekend just to see if I run into anyone.

Eric's school is having an all class reunion this summer. But tickets are $50 a piece. Even if we weren't struggling for money, I can't see spending that much to attend a school reunion. So, we may just do the same for his and pop into that town to see who we can see.

Today we went to Eric's niece's high school graduation reception. We couldn't make the actual graduation, but had time for the reception. However, we found ourselves unable to find the reception location, so we went to find the high school in order to ask Eric's sister where it was taking place. We got to the school just as the graduation was letting out. Anyway, while driving around looking for the school we came across a lemonade stand. A little girl had lemonade for a quarter and cookies for a quarter. Eric gave the little girl two dollars and asked for two cookies and two lemondes. He told her to keep the extra money. As we drove away, we heard the little girl pull her arm in towards her body and say "Yes!" Watching him make a kid's day, makes my day.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Snow Shine through the Winds of Time

In a dramatic movie twist, my aunt died last Friday. She had cancer, but we were not informed until the day before she died. However, that's not what killed her. They aren't sure what did the dying. Mayo clinic received some bacteria for testing and they don't know what it is. Death came quickly and maybe prematurely, for it was humans who removed the ventilator.

I am ready to be out in the sun and to actually feel its warmth. This faux sunshine with bitterly cold winds is for winter, not spring, not almost summer. The weather is as confusing as my aunt's death. Unfortunately, her cancer adds more to the family history page at the doctor's office: breast and liver cancer. The weather need not be added to the family history. But then again...

My grandmother was in the hospital again. She has non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. Ammonia levels build up in her system and give her the "fuzzies." She becomes confused, beligerant, and sometimes unresponsive. She was very unresponsive this last time and had to be carried out by ambulance. She's quite the lady though. When she came to, someone commented that she only had on one arthritis glove and that she was like Micheal Jackson. Her reply was "That may be, but I don't grab my crotch."

Oh, gotta love grandma. She's a little loco but in a good way.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

What's that go to do with anything?

I have so much to say that it's time for a list.

1. In regards to my previous post, I heard more horrible things said about foreigners. What gets me the most, is that so many Americans assume we have the right idea about everything. How do they think that our way is the right way? Other nation's have better healthcare, Europe together has an awesome railway system, student perform better in other countries, so what makes anyone have the right to say say "Well, they're in a America now so they better..." Unless it's against the law, what right?

2. I've decided not to talk at work anymore. If I need to ask a question or someone speaks to me first, I'll speak.

3. I hate menstruating. I want my uterus removed. I will not be having children and don't need it.

4. I think back to my childhood, teenage years, and early twenties, and I was always looking for someone to save me, if not save me, find something special about me and groom me for greatness. Well at least for normalcy.

5. I don't feel like I fit in most of the time. I always sort of feel on the fringe of things.

6. I have made no close friends since I moved to this area over two years ago.

7. I keep wondering what is wrong with me. Why do I turn people off from being my friend... I don't come up with any answers.

8. I should not be allowed near ovens. I've burned myself more times in the past month than all the months combined.

9. I am scared of power saws. If I can't stay safe near an oven, imagine a power saw.

10. I want to work for a non-profit helping people or a government agency in the social services department.

11. I would like to start a non-profit that assists people who's spouses, family members, have cancer and help out with laundry, lawn care, grocery shopping, all the things I couldn't or wouldn't do when Eric was in Mayo. That's what help I could have used and perhaps others are in the same boat.

12. Not sure how to go about doing this though.

13. I've been feeling hideous lately.

14. I play Wii tennis for shit.

15. I like bowling and I have a word game that is fun.

16. We want a futon. We have plans for our second bedroom upstairs and the requires moving the bed out and getting a futon.

18. I also want a file cabinet.

19. I like volunteering, but I hate having commitments. If I could just drop in somewhere and do something now and again that'd be awesome.

20. Do-it-yourself home improvement projects are harder than they look.