Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reading Myself

I am not a neat person by nature. I leave plates, cups, and other dishes in the living room. I throw my dirty clothes on the floor in my room and leave them as they pile into big heaps. I let mail and clutter mount up on the dining room table.

I am not a patient person at times. I wish for things to hurry up. I read books so quickly that when they are over I wonder why I read so fast instead of relishing the moments. But it is in the slowly down that the details can really be seen.

I was starved for affection. I knew I loved human contact, but was too scared for a long time to let anyone that close to me. I used to tell people I didn't like being touched so they could never reject my reach. I used to tell people that I didn't mind being alone all the time, but I would hope that someone would walk by and at least say hello. The Boy fills my needs in that department. There are many I love you's, many hugs, kisses, hand holding, and other verbal and physical sentiments that allow me not to lie anymore.

My mind works in mysterious ways. Today I was thinking about dust mites that live in our mattresses and each our dead skins cells. My thought was, How do they get there in the first place? I read that the eyelash mites are spread by facial contact with those who have the bugs in their eyelashes. Nearly 96% of people do.

I am not trying to pretend to be someone I am not. I am being who I always was, but no one ever knew. Now they know. And now I know, too.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


While we waited for the man to find a tire, we wandered around a bit looking at the old cars and thinking it was too bad that neither of us knew how to restore cars because there were some once beautiful cars that could be wonderful once more in the right hands.

When the man had asked if I wanted to go in the house to see the puppies, Eric saw me turn my head towards the living quarters. He later asked if I was actually thinking of going in and I said no, I was just wanting to be polite and show interest. I don't know if this is my Midwestern upbringing or an example of Minnesota nice, but it's a silly thought nonetheless (is that word hyphenated, I couldn't decide).

When the man finally found a tire that fit on our trailer, we paid him, and were oun our way to our free lawn mower it was well past ten o'clock. It was nearly eleven when we arrived at the house to pick it up. We easily pushed it on to the trailer, the man who gave it to us was very nice even at the late hour, and we were excited to see it was small and cute. We started on our way home. Things were swell once more.

Then, about an hour from home, another loud banging noise occurred. The other tire on the trailer blew. We were in the middle of no where, in the middle of the night, and this trailer was going no where. We pulled off the road onto a dirt road and followed that to another dirt drive. It led to a gravel pit and sand pile, which stated that no one should enter without some sort of training. We entered anyway and parked the trailer off to the side. We left it there with a note on the steering wheel saying we'd be back for it tomorrow.

Eric and his mom went back the next day after purchasing a new tire and retrieved our "free" lawn mower. Until yesterday, the mower sat at his parents' house untouched by his mechnic brother. Now, it's been moved to his brother's house where I am assume it is still untouched.

More Adventures to Come!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rolling on the River

Sometimes I get antsy and I want excitement in life. But then I remember in what forms excitement can come...

Eric and I went on a little journey one evening. We were going for two hour drive along the country side to pick up a free riding lawn mower. Now, that is correct. It is a free riding lawn mower so who wouldn't go pick it up. We didn't know if it worked or not, but free and fixing should be cheaper than new and working.

Along the way we chatted and life was swell. Then, a tire on the trailer we were pulling blew. I'd never experienced a blown tire before. The noise is incredible and the jerking of the car definitely grabs your attention away from the driving zone. We drove back to the nearest town, not even small enough to be called a hole in the wall. The only thing open in town was, of course, the bar. We called all over the area looking for places that were open and that had the tire size we needed in stock. No such luck.

But then Eureka! A man steps out of the bar and hears our dilemma. He tells us he lives in a junk yard and should have 40 tires like that, well at least 20, and when we finally are in the car with this man in greasy jeans and a dirty sweatshirt, the number dwindles to 15. We swing by the trailer, hitch it back up, and drive on the tire rim for about a mile. However, that mile took us deep into Deliverance country. Well, not quite but the backwoods of Minnesota, at the very least. And I do mean, the very, very back woods.

The man, whose name I never got, did indeed list in the middle of a junkyard. Rusted, half cars all around, a pile of rusty metal just waiting to give us Tetanus, a dead cat, and a trailer house with broken windows, dirty blinds. A place that conjured many visions of horror movies, a blonde girl in a baseball cap running in between the cars, hoping to find safety, only to fall down and find something awful under one of the cars.

The man goes off looking for a tire. He finds tires that are the wrong size. He tries to put them on. They do not fit. The man goes off looking for a tire. The man does not come back for an hour or more. It is getting dark. Eric tells me that he will lock me in the car when darkness hits.

The man tells me I can go into the house if I want to see the Rotweiller puppies. Not until much later, do I realize there is another man in the house. His voice suprises me when he answers the phone. The trailer was so quiet until his tenor voice carried out the broken window.

To be continued.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Time melts

Ah, hello good blogger folks.

The world has been spinning with greater speed lately on my spot on the world. I swear I was almost flung off this earth once already when the spinning seemed so fast that I didn't know it would ever stop.

Stop it did. Well, the car stopped. The car wasn't spinning, but the alternator died. Eric and I were in Minneapolis which is where he "doctors" (according to my grandma's vernacular) concerning his weight loss surgery. We had two appointments on Friday, but in order to make those appointments we had to rent a car, drive his dying car to the airport, pick up the rental car, make sure his car made it to the mechanic, and then get to his appointments, which we did. We were just an hour late for the first one, oops.

We picked up his car later that afternoon, dropped off the rental car, and pulled over to a park to play with the GPS unit we had borrowed. The car died again. This time it could not be coaxed to life. We called AAA who kindly picked us up, found a mechanic that was open past 5 o'clock on a Friday, and were just generally helpful. So, the car was fixed once more and for the day we were nearly 800 dollars poorer.

Another piece of what you could call machinery was seemingly on the fritz for about two weeks. Eric was experience bouts of dizziness, ligh-headedness, shortness of breath, and weakness. The doctor discovered he had an enlarged heart and after a number of test found out that there is nothing physically wrong with his heart. It is englarged due to his size, but when he exercising it makes him dizzy but he has to lose weight in order to have his weight loss surgery, but... viscious circle.

Our elder puppy, Hurley, is simply the devil. She has taken to tearing up and eating the linoleum in our kitchen, she has chewed on the handles of two of our good knives, she has ruined two dog beds, just last night she chewed through her harness (which I don't even want to know how she put herself into that pretzel position to do what she did), she's chewed a book, eaten plastic bags, etc. She's the devil but she's cute. Alas, I think I'll have to keep her. I just need new kitchen flooring. Anyone want to spring for it?