Monday, July 06, 2009

It's a count of ten

Thoughts are disjointed, thoughts are in neutral.

So, here is a list. Lists help put things in order even if the there is no order to the list. That is how amazing lists are. Perhaps you should feel the power of the list and start one of your own. The topic can be of your choosing, just remember that lists can take on power of their own.

1. I am completely addicted to breaded deep fried cauliflower from the a drive-in restaurant twenty miles from the house.

2. I purchased a tank top, two actually, and I wore one of them already in public!! I have not done this since I was in elementary school and it felt sexy this time, unlike the last time when I was eight or so. It also felt weird showing so much skin because as a fat girl that's something we're advised not to do.

3. My grandma is in the hospital again. She seems to be doing better though. However, she has a chronic illness that makes hospital visits par for the course.

4. Some of my cousins are now my "friends" on Facebook and this is the first time I have "seen" some of them in more than a year.

5. This post is now being completed a week or more later.

6. The Boy told me to come up with an activity for us to do and we'll do it. I've been bored and sad again lately. I don't know what brings this on.

7. My parents are supposed to come see our house next Saturday. It's Riverfest Days so maybe we'll partake in some activities.

8. I love Chuch Taylors.

9. I took pictures yesterday for the first time in months and months. It was totally fun and I realized how much I missed doing it.

10. I want a swimming pool in my backyard.