Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I've been struggling with letter "C" for days now. I cannot think of anything for this curved letter.

I think of random words, such as cash, clothes, cleaning, coffee, calico, etc. But nothing really strikes me, nothing pops out.

So, I think for me and the letter "C" we will just list some words and some ideas that go with them.

Cash-I need more. But who doesn't? I would like to win some. If I won the lottery, I'd buy my parents a new house with main level laundry and an apartment above the garage for my brother.

Clothes-I like clothes-sometimes. Other times, I don't want to be judged by what is on the outside. So, I struggle with this understanding that humans are visual creatures and yet with the idea that I don't want people to pre-judge me.

Cleaning-I don't usually enjoy this activity. Our kitchen floor never looks clean no matter how many times I mop it. We do have new self-stick linoleum tiles in our China cabinet waiting to be stuck down but we have other work to do before that.

Coffee- Don't like it. But I swear everyone in books drinks it or offers it to guests. That, tea, or wine. It seems like everyone is always drinking those three drinks and never Dr. Pepper, or a Diet Mountain Dew. Seems strange to me.

Calico- I know this is a cat type and a fabric type. I want to use my sewing machine. So, I think I shall make that my goal in the next six months to learn how to not be afraid of it. :o)

There, that is "C."