Friday, November 21, 2008

Turn it On

I complained on Wednesday because our small town did not have any water. They were making necessary repairs and while doing that, more things broke. Of course, you say. We had been warned that we wouldn't have water on Tuesday and by 7 O'clock that night, we had water coming out the pipes. Then, by 10 O'clock the same night, they were dry once more. The next morning they weren't on either and I had to shove off to work un-showered. I felt unawake all day, foggy and groggy. Showers are my morning coffee. I also felt greasy and gross. I am not one of those lovely girls who can wake up the next morning and look okay not showering, be okay not showering.

So, I went to work in my unshowered outfit. It's fine to choose not to shower one weekend day when I am not going to leave the house, but work? Bleh. So, I went. Then, while I was at work I took a peek at what was happening in the world by going to CNN's website. There, I see an article that is wrenching, is horrible that happens, that there is such a disparity. I am morbidly obese. I am fat- It's not a mean, cruel comment. It just is. And there are Zimbabwean women, mothers choosing which child will die by means of starvation. There is not enough food to feed them all, so they much choose which they thing will survive. In America, that's called murder. In Zimbabwea, that's called life.

If I could give up some of my caloric intake and know that it would go to someone in need, I would. In fact, I did. We had a food drive at work and I added my cans and boxes to the mix. Sadly, we cannot give fresh products and we wonder why those who are poor are heavy. Cheap food is unhealthy food. Ramen noodles are less than twenty cents a pack while apples are at least a dollar a pound. You choose.... you have a dollar and two kids at home. What do you buy?

Sadly, those women in Zimbabwea don't have a choice of food, just of which child dies. Sadly, I complained about no water, but I merely meant it in humor. I went home and showered off the filth as soon as I could as the weight came back on at noon on Wednesday. But I can't rinse away those women who must choose. It's sad that I am so entrenched in modern ammenities, I nearly didn't know what to do without the streaming liquid coming from the faucet. I really don't know what those women do to make that choice either, a much harsher reality than a few hours of the water being shut off.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ms. Lister

Hello all,

No one seemed to care for my last entry so we'll make it a bit lighter. Not to mention, I'll be making a list, which everyone knows I adore!

1. What started out as a cute quirk, Norris the dog, likes to pick up shoes. At first, he just picked them up and put them in the middle of the living room. A wee bit dangerous, but endearing. Then, he started chewing on the plastic ends of the shoelaces. And then, oh and then..!! he chewed my leather boot. My boots may be about seven years old or so, but no one would have known. And now, at the top which no one sees but me or a few others is chewed. Naughty puppy.

2. However, it's still cute that he drug my two pound boot from the doorway to the living room considering the shoe only weighs three pounds less than he does.

3. I think I am becoming completely someone I never thought I would be... I asked for a complete spice rack for Christmas. I used to never even use salt or pepper and now I want a spice rack. Well, I still hate salt. It's gross for the most part. If I could have fries, nuts, chips, and other food products without salt I would, all except for soup. Soup is icky without salt. Ever tried the low salt chicken soup? Yeah, don't do it.

4. I went to see an endocrinologist and I do not have any weird, rare hormonal dieseases. This is good in some ways and bad in others. It means that I just have to live with the symptoms of Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. This diagnosis was confirmed.

5. I need new flooring in my house. Anyone want to chip in?

6. People don't seem to realize that The Boy is not my pet, not my child, or any other subordinate in the house. I cannot make him lose weight. I mean, really, we're focusing on overcoming leukemia. The weight loss will have to wait (ha ha ha) since he won't really lose enough to make a difference on his own anyway. That's the whole reason he has gastric bypass surgery planned/scheduled. Leukemia just put a speed bump on things. So, don't lecture me about how he should eat, he should try to lose weight, etc. I'm not his keeper.

7. The endocrinologist asked if I had ever thought about lap band surgery. I have but I don't know what I'd do as a "skinny" person. Eat less?! Ha ha. Not sure, I may consider it but not right now. We're still doing the leukemia dance.

8. Hurley is quite contented and spoiled living with my parents. She shall have many happy days there as it's her permanent home now.

9. Gagging is not fun, especially if it happens for nearly two weeks for reasons you can't figure out.

10. I had allergy testing done. I am allergic to cats, which is fine since I don't like them anyway. I am allergic to Red Alder trees, which is annoying in the spring time. I am also allergic to cockroaches. Odd since we generally don't have cockroaches in this part of the country, but he asked if I've ever been down south or to the coast, I replied yes to both. There go my plans for inner city living and a move to Georgia.

11. I dislike cookie cutter houses. They are icky.

12. I learned how to start our snowblower in case I have to use it this winter if The Boy is unable to do so. Wee! Watch out, or I'll blow you to the rooftops.

13. My grandmother is in the hospital again. She had a UTI that went to her blood.

14. My nun costume from Halloween is ungodly hot-get it?!

15. There's nothing else. I just didn't want to end it on a weird number.