Friday, November 06, 2009

Waking up to Folgers in Your Cup

On, an interesting article sparked my mind and I decided to try my hand at some interesting college essay questions. For the full article, please see here:

The first one I feel like taking on is, "Please describe a daily routine or tradition of yours that may seem ordinary to others but holds special meaning for you. Why is this practice significant to you? (Barnard, 2009)."

So, here goes.

My daily morning routine is boring and fairly consistent. I push the snooze button multiple times. No one quite knows the joy I felt the day I discovered the snooze button and the wonders if offers. So, after I finally stop snoozing, I get up and picked out underwear. This is mostly a grab a pair of underwear in the dark from the top drawer of my dresser. It's a surprise each morning, but I never know what I'm going to get. Sometimes it feels like this random choice can break or make your day.

Then, I head off to the shower. Sometimes I pet puppies along the way and sometimes they don't care to leave their slumbers to greet me. I shower. I have lost a routine in the shower, I used to exercise my calf muscles when I was in high school and showering before school. I do believe those exercises paid off as I had some fabulous calves. I should re-pick up this tradition.

After the shower, I attempt to figure out what to wear. This is not an easy task. Half my clothes are in the dirty laundry, some don't fit, some I just plain don't like. So, I finally get dressed, then brush my teeth. Then I get my keys, cell phone, and chapstick. Sometimes I put on my engagement ring, but like this morning, sometimes I forget.

However, the real tradition starts now. Once, I am all ready to go, with my shoes on and jacket waiting, I say goodbye to Eric. I usually find his head under a blanket because I'd turned a light on while looking for the day's outfit. So, I pull it away from his face and most often he wakes up enough to say a proper goodbye to me. He tells me to have a good day, to drive safely, and that he loves me. I kiss his cheek and tell him the same. The, I am off to work.

This means a great deal to me, because I spent a month without him in our bed, a month of no one telling me to drive safely each morning, a month of no one telling me to have a good day (especially when some days seemed so bad for him). So, I know the meaning of each goodbye in the morning.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's a quiz and I got an A.

Stolen from a weird home schooler.

The Basics

What do you eat for breakfast usually?: Usually non-breakfast foods. Pizza, soup, who knows.

How many cups of coffee do you drink each morning?: None, but I have many sodas throughout the day.

Do you exercise in the mornings?: Not unless you count showering as an exercise.

Do you work out daily?: I was for a while, riding the recumbent bike but then Eric had his gallbladder out and then I got the influenza. So, it's been a long time.

How long does it take to get ready in the mornings?: About fifteen minutes to a half hour. This also depends on if the weather is cold and I have to dry my hair.

My Favorites

dinner?: Pizza, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes.

way to eat eggs?: Scrambled with cheese or fried hard. Sometimes I like them boiled. But I do not like runny yolks.

dessert?: Cake. Pie. Cookies. Ice cream.

NFL team?: I'm not much of a fan. That is The Boy's idea of fun.

lazy day thing to do?:
Watch tv, lay in bed and read.

This or That
Sunday brunch or Sunday dinner?: I tend to have Sunday dinner more often. But I don't care as long as I get to eat something yummy.

Hiking or Swimming?: Swimming. I don't hike. There are bugs.

OMG or WTF?: ROFLMAO?: None.

Donald Trump or Bill Gates?: Bill Gates

Do You?
ever wear the shirt you've had on all day to bed?: Yes, I don't think I should have to waste a shirt just to sleep in. I figure the sheets are dirty anyway from me being out and about all day. I shower in the morning so the bed is a dirty place to me.

wish you were rich or famous?: Rich, yes. Twould be nice.

have a lot of friends?: Sometimes I'd like a few more I could just hang out with now and again. I sometimes get lonely for girl time.

eat organic foods?: Sometimes.

care what other people think of you?: To a point. I'm not the same as everyone and I find social situations difficult. So, I try to act normal, but sometimes the weirdness sneaks out. :o)

Have You Ever
worn your boyfriend's clothes?: Yes, I have. Only Andrew's and Eric's. But more so, Eric's.

defended someone that was being unfairly treated?: I try.

seen someone that you weren't sure if they were male or female?: Yes. Not that it's really any of my business.

learned a valuable lessson from someone younger than you?: Yes, this was one of the best experiences with being in Americorps.

dated someone more than ten years older or younger than you?: Yes, he was 24 years older.

Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?: Yes, I have happy pills to stop those thoughts.

What do you consider "rare" anymore?: Integrity, honesty

Do you hold the door open for strangers?: Yes, if I remember my manners.

What is in your car ashtray?: I don't have an ashtray in the car.

Could you go a day without eating?: No! This sounds horrible. I HATE being hungry. HATE HATE HATE it.

What part of your body are you embarrassed to show?: Nothing much. It's a human body and is imperfect like most people's.

Do you have a birthmark?: Nope

Do you sleep naked?: No, pajamas. Just in case you have to run outside in the middle of the night during a fire or something.

If you've given birth, did you have a natural birth?: No thanks to both.

Do you ever skip days wearing deodorant?: No!!! I'm a sweaty girl. I cannot skip and I use the most powerful deodorant on the regular market.

Child?: Hurley, the half beagle/half rat terrier who now lives with my parents.

What age were you when first had sex?: Old enough

state you've ever travelled to?: 19 of them.

childhood memory?: Um, not sure. I like reading as a kid so I have memories of that. Also, of watching the Gary Schandling show as a kid.

vacation as a child that you remember?: Jewitt Lake.

As of Now
If you hit redial on your phone right now, who would you call?: My dad

Are you wearing deodorant now?: Yes

What is the closest thing to you that could be used as a murder weapon?:
A beer bottle- it's actually non-alcoholic beer.

What time do you plan on going to sleep tonight?: After ten. I have to take my antibiotic again and I took it late since I had a nap.

Are you hungry?: I could be. Not too good with this hungry thing lately.
I have been a horrible blogger. I have two blogs and I can't even keep up with this one. Not that I've had much to think about other than being sick. I would think "Achooo." Or "I must have a tissue now." Or "I'm hot, no I'm cold, no I'm hot."

Now I'm finally able to have a complex thought, but I get very tired from doing the littlest thing. Grocery shopping killed me last night. I thought I was going to fall to a puddle on the floor in the frozen foods section. Then driving home from the grocery store was a twenty minute drive and even more tiring. It was also very weird since farmers were out harvesting beets and bright lights would come from odd directions. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to this small town living.

But The Boy loves it. He states this on a weekly basis how much he lives living in our little town. And I like it, just am not used to some things. I must be the town bitch because I do not have the waving thing down. I almost never wave. I get nervous when I suspect a wave coming on and I almost never initiate a wave. It's much too complicated. Thanks goodness I don't drive farm implements. I'd be off my rocker.

There's a story to tell about farming later on...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Physical Exam.

This weekend my mom attended a pro healthcare rally. She, along with myself and many other members of my family are for healthcare reform and healthcare for everyone. I find it strange we are the only industrialized nation without national healthcare.

Anyway, while at this rally my mom went and talked to the protesters. Some feel the government should not be involved in healthcare and that they don't like government involvement in their lives. I giggle because they are standing on a sidewalk and drove cars to the place of the rally. Government. They went to school. Government. They may have gone to college and used FAFSA or GI Bills. Government. They may have parents on Medicare. Government. So, I giggle. They only want government when it's convenient for them.

They asked my mom if she wasn't worried because she is disabled and she'll be on the death list. For one, there is not death list or death panel. That's the dumbest scare tactic I've ever heard and those who believe it are even dumber. I know some people keep comparing Obama to Hitler regarding this issue, but this is not pre-WWII Germany when the physically and mentally handicapped were put to death. Also, to compare a democratic leader of a free nation to Hitler completely diminishes the horror that man put the world through. It's irresponsible to make such comparisions. But no, my mom is not worried about being on a death list.

They also asked if she was completely horrified about increased taxes to pay for healthcare. She said no. She was okay if her taxes were raised if that meant healthcare for everyone. They were stunned into silence on that one.

At the rally was a mother who spoke about dealing with her sick child while not having health insurance. Her child eventually died and from the protesters the words "You should have been able to save her" were uttered. This is appaling and cruel. No parent who burried their child after fighting the good fight should have to endure an attack like that. To do so is simply evil.

Someone also brought up abortion. I can't even comment on this one. Makes me so angry that they want to make this issue messier and uglier by bringing up this issue. Abortion is going to happen. Period. End of story. Finite. So, just give it up for a while and focus on getting people health care.

Also, some of the protesters tried to sneak behind the fence and steal the rally-goer's sandwiches. I know they spouter this idea of "provider for yourself" but didn't realize stealing was part of that tennant.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Puppy Power

Here are out little ones, Norris and Oreo. Norris is a year and a half year old short-haired chihuahua. He is white with tan spots. He does have imperfect ears since they don't stand up but that just makes him more adorable. Norris is named after Chuck Norris because a six pound dog needs a tough name.

Oreo is a four year old long-haired Chihuahua. She loves nothing more than to sit on your lap and receive pets, in fact demand pets. She is black and white, and came with the name Oreo.
We enjoy these little guys quite a bit. We got Oreo as a friend for Norris and I think it's working out. They seem to play while we aren't home as Norris is exhausted at night. I think Norris does more playing than Oreo, literally running circles around Oreo. But that's Norris. Oreo doesn't like the camera. As soon as it's out, she turns her head up, sideways, down, etc. She will also not look you in the eyes, more autistic than aggressive. While Norris will have a staring contest. He wins when I play.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Summer Winter Winds

The gray sky, the more than whispering wind, and the few yellow, green leaves dropping from the trees makes this August seem more like fall. Strange how the weather turned from hot, steamy soup to cold, damp, dishwater. Alas, this summer has gone by us without much outdoor enjoyment.

However, I did experience some new things this summer. I saw a live catfish for the first time and was amazed at how ugly this species of fish is. The skin reminds me of a dolphin or shark, gray and smooth looking. It is the face that makes this fish so horrible. Plus, they also bleed red. To me, fish do not bleed, let alone red.

I drove my fiance's truck in the big city. I'd driven in the Cities before, but not in The Boy's truck. It was okay and I must admire GPS units for without it, I would have been very lost and not so confident.

But summer is coming to an end. School starts on Monday and the pools will be closing. Soon, the chill will cause the air to bite and the drive-in restaurants to close. I must say that I do not enjoy the thought of putting on my winter parka, with it's many layers and warm offerings. I do not wish to cover my hands in fuzzy mittens and watch my breathe float away into the cold. Nor does shoveling, snow plowing, and scraping windshields sounds pleasureable. Sigh.

However, today I am going to enjoy the sun. I am going to feel warm rays on my skin and live today.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lost on Me

Summer has finally arrived. It is slow roasting hot. Alas, there are projects to be done outside, but too much time in the warm air would rid of of our juices. I am waiting until until the temperature is turned down and a fan is installed outside.

I have started to "exercise." I use this term loosely. I started on Sunday with .5 miles, then .6, then .7, then .8, and today I pedalled the recumbant bike with gusto to 1.0 miles. The next attempt is to ride 1.0 mile for the next 7 days. I have not changed my eating habits. Some may think this is silly, but I don't want too many ideas clouding up my goals, leaving me with a puffy mess.

Our puppies are finally platonic friends. Their relationship has been downgraded to running, jumping, and toy stealing buddies. This is a welcome reduction in friendliness after dealing with high hormones for two weeks. We still are unsure if more puppies are in our future.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Ah, life is interesting.

I have two un-fixed dogs at home, one male and one female. Unfortanately, the girl has gone into heat. Oreo has turned my little Norris into a horn dog, literally. I keep telling Oreo she's a Hussy because it makes me feel better, but I am tired of trying to stop dogs from humping. He got her one day outside while I was distracted by some guy who rode up to our house wanting to buy the utility trailer sitting next to the garage. Norris got in and was doing his thing. I had to pull him *out*. Disgusting. We may wind upwith puppies after all of our trying to keep them separated.

Eric's liver function tests are still high. Not sure what's going on, but he's been ordered to stop taking his anti-cancer drugs. This makes me nervous. I don't like it. Eric forgot to get his blood drawn yesterday so I reminded him to do it today.

The house is a complete disaster. It smells like dog pee because Oreo has a problem going potty on the pad. She just likes to pee everywhere. I don't get it. There's no rhyme or reason to it. We need to get the big upright carpet cleaner out and do the whole upstairs. The ceiling was leaking water onto the basement carpeting yesterday. It appears to have stopped, but am concerned as to why water was dripping onto the floor. Eric said he'd taken care of it.

This is because I am going to visit my parents this weekend. I need a break and Eric said he'd punch me in the face if I didn't go. That's what Eric says when I'm being obnoxious or annoying, "I'm going to punch you in the face, right in the nose." He, of course, does not do this. It's just his cue to me that I should knock it off, whatever I may be doing.

Oreo has become okay with the leash now. This is good. She cringed before and was completely upset by it. Now, she thinks it's okay.

We didn't have water last night in our little town. Not sure what was happening, but I wanted to do laundry for my little trip. Alas, I could not. I managed to find some clean clothes, but it was a feat.

Monday, July 06, 2009

It's a count of ten

Thoughts are disjointed, thoughts are in neutral.

So, here is a list. Lists help put things in order even if the there is no order to the list. That is how amazing lists are. Perhaps you should feel the power of the list and start one of your own. The topic can be of your choosing, just remember that lists can take on power of their own.

1. I am completely addicted to breaded deep fried cauliflower from the a drive-in restaurant twenty miles from the house.

2. I purchased a tank top, two actually, and I wore one of them already in public!! I have not done this since I was in elementary school and it felt sexy this time, unlike the last time when I was eight or so. It also felt weird showing so much skin because as a fat girl that's something we're advised not to do.

3. My grandma is in the hospital again. She seems to be doing better though. However, she has a chronic illness that makes hospital visits par for the course.

4. Some of my cousins are now my "friends" on Facebook and this is the first time I have "seen" some of them in more than a year.

5. This post is now being completed a week or more later.

6. The Boy told me to come up with an activity for us to do and we'll do it. I've been bored and sad again lately. I don't know what brings this on.

7. My parents are supposed to come see our house next Saturday. It's Riverfest Days so maybe we'll partake in some activities.

8. I love Chuch Taylors.

9. I took pictures yesterday for the first time in months and months. It was totally fun and I realized how much I missed doing it.

10. I want a swimming pool in my backyard.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

It once was

I cannot believe July is almost upon us. For me, the time has just flown by...

Speaking of time past, I was thinking of things the other day that I miss, that I haven't done or heard about in a long time. So, I thought I'd share them with you and see if I can't spark a few good memories for you also.

1. Cat's Cradle- the game with the string and the different hand movements. I loved this game and found it's fascinating to see how long we could keep going. I never hear nor see little kids, particulary girls playing this.

2. Hide and Seek- I havent' played this game in so long. I was driving the other day with my windows open. I saw three boys in the front yard, then saw two of them run off, with the third one standing by a basketball hoop, his forearm covering his eyes and resting against the pole. It was the 100-99-98-97 that brought me back. My favorite hiding spot is no longer there, the bush I'd hide behind is gone. The other trick, to slide under the fence into the neighbor's yard, is also not an option since the fence is gone and there's no way I'd fit under the fence nowadays.

3. Water fights- The neighbor kids were having a water fight a week ago. It was turning dusk, but the heat was still present. We could hear their giggles and screams as they soaked each other. I haven't had water fight since I was in high school. I burnt my eyelids that summer. Something I don't recommend.

4. Friends- I don't have many friends in this neck-of-the-woods and if I am true, I'm awful lonely. I sometimes need some girl talk.

5. Snow pants- I don't see children walk to school in snow pants or snow suits anymore. I remember them so clearly and how you could stay outside for hours in them. I remember the buckles to the straps and the wonderful clicking sound they made. Although, I don't think I'd know what to do with them if I had a pair. I could make snow angels, but would quickly bore of that and alas, there are no hills in this part of the country.

6. Sleepovers- Staying up all night, talking about boys, giggling, and most importantly, not sleeping.

7. The sun- I remember just going outside as a child. My back exposed, my arms and legs sticking out, and no sunscreen, no worries of sunburn. Now, I watch for pinkness, I try to plan when I will be outside, I wear hats if out for prolonged periods, put on sunscreen SPF 50, etc. Not only do I fear the pain that sunburn brings, but the longer lasting consequences of cancer.

8. Being Ignorant About Cancer- Once it touches you, it's everywhere. It's a horrible disease, comes in too many forms to keep track of, and can be so sneaky. It'll slip from your skin to your liver, to your brain, it find its way into your blood, into your bones, and leave you unable to fight. The treatments take your energy, your hair, make you feel sicker than the cancer itself, and then sometimes it takes your hope when the treatments no longer work. *curb stomps cancer*

9. Not Being Called "Ma'am"- I am a ma'am now. It's awful. I feel too young for that title. I feel I don't look old enough to be a ma'am but I know I am.

10. Never having had a cute body- I never got to wear a bikini or sexy clothes. Never had that chance. I am sad about this. I always wanted to wear the newest clothes, the cutest little shirts, the fun shorts, but could not. Had to settle for what was out there and even still, what's out there isn't always a great choice.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Certain Shades of Pink

The sun finally shown, the sky finally blue not gray, and my skin finally warm with heat felt this weekend melt.

I am also coming to realize that I am unsure why I ever wore pants in the summer if I was going to be outside. Trends, fads, and peer pressure, brought me to pants once. There was also another reason, but all the reasons are now gone. I show my legs, bright white and with thighs that rub together. I show my feet, no pedicures for this girl. I am not ashamed of skin, of dimpled fat, of myself. So, here I come.

Problem with it? Too bad, then don't look. Ah, how the tortures of childhood always stay with us. Always defensive. Always ready to fight.

So, anyway. Glad it's sunny, warm, and finally looking like summer. However, that date looms before me. Big NEON sign with July 17, 7-17, with 17s all over, with cancer all over it, with black touches of death all over it, pulses in my head.

So, perhaps I shall place suntan lotion on my skin in the shapes of 17's and stand out in the sun, tanning myself into cancer but whitening myself in a 17 montage. Perhaps not also.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Word to your mother

I've decided not to attend my class reunion. A friend of mine made a point the other day by saying that she barely remembers her friends from high school let alone some random person she had a class with ten years ago. The reason I wanted to go the reunion was out of curiosity and the hope that some of my old friends would make the journey to our hometown for it. But I don't think that's going to happen. Besides, Eric will be on his oral chemo regime at that time and he doesn't feel the best during those fifteen days. I also decided that I may go to town that weekend just to see if I run into anyone.

Eric's school is having an all class reunion this summer. But tickets are $50 a piece. Even if we weren't struggling for money, I can't see spending that much to attend a school reunion. So, we may just do the same for his and pop into that town to see who we can see.

Today we went to Eric's niece's high school graduation reception. We couldn't make the actual graduation, but had time for the reception. However, we found ourselves unable to find the reception location, so we went to find the high school in order to ask Eric's sister where it was taking place. We got to the school just as the graduation was letting out. Anyway, while driving around looking for the school we came across a lemonade stand. A little girl had lemonade for a quarter and cookies for a quarter. Eric gave the little girl two dollars and asked for two cookies and two lemondes. He told her to keep the extra money. As we drove away, we heard the little girl pull her arm in towards her body and say "Yes!" Watching him make a kid's day, makes my day.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Snow Shine through the Winds of Time

In a dramatic movie twist, my aunt died last Friday. She had cancer, but we were not informed until the day before she died. However, that's not what killed her. They aren't sure what did the dying. Mayo clinic received some bacteria for testing and they don't know what it is. Death came quickly and maybe prematurely, for it was humans who removed the ventilator.

I am ready to be out in the sun and to actually feel its warmth. This faux sunshine with bitterly cold winds is for winter, not spring, not almost summer. The weather is as confusing as my aunt's death. Unfortunately, her cancer adds more to the family history page at the doctor's office: breast and liver cancer. The weather need not be added to the family history. But then again...

My grandmother was in the hospital again. She has non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. Ammonia levels build up in her system and give her the "fuzzies." She becomes confused, beligerant, and sometimes unresponsive. She was very unresponsive this last time and had to be carried out by ambulance. She's quite the lady though. When she came to, someone commented that she only had on one arthritis glove and that she was like Micheal Jackson. Her reply was "That may be, but I don't grab my crotch."

Oh, gotta love grandma. She's a little loco but in a good way.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

What's that go to do with anything?

I have so much to say that it's time for a list.

1. In regards to my previous post, I heard more horrible things said about foreigners. What gets me the most, is that so many Americans assume we have the right idea about everything. How do they think that our way is the right way? Other nation's have better healthcare, Europe together has an awesome railway system, student perform better in other countries, so what makes anyone have the right to say say "Well, they're in a America now so they better..." Unless it's against the law, what right?

2. I've decided not to talk at work anymore. If I need to ask a question or someone speaks to me first, I'll speak.

3. I hate menstruating. I want my uterus removed. I will not be having children and don't need it.

4. I think back to my childhood, teenage years, and early twenties, and I was always looking for someone to save me, if not save me, find something special about me and groom me for greatness. Well at least for normalcy.

5. I don't feel like I fit in most of the time. I always sort of feel on the fringe of things.

6. I have made no close friends since I moved to this area over two years ago.

7. I keep wondering what is wrong with me. Why do I turn people off from being my friend... I don't come up with any answers.

8. I should not be allowed near ovens. I've burned myself more times in the past month than all the months combined.

9. I am scared of power saws. If I can't stay safe near an oven, imagine a power saw.

10. I want to work for a non-profit helping people or a government agency in the social services department.

11. I would like to start a non-profit that assists people who's spouses, family members, have cancer and help out with laundry, lawn care, grocery shopping, all the things I couldn't or wouldn't do when Eric was in Mayo. That's what help I could have used and perhaps others are in the same boat.

12. Not sure how to go about doing this though.

13. I've been feeling hideous lately.

14. I play Wii tennis for shit.

15. I like bowling and I have a word game that is fun.

16. We want a futon. We have plans for our second bedroom upstairs and the requires moving the bed out and getting a futon.

18. I also want a file cabinet.

19. I like volunteering, but I hate having commitments. If I could just drop in somewhere and do something now and again that'd be awesome.

20. Do-it-yourself home improvement projects are harder than they look.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am saddened today. Words read on Facebook have led me to this feeling. There was a comment from someone concerning a document that her boss wanted translated into Spanish. Her response was that she would not do it and that the client should learn English. This document was regarding a funeral. The comments of others followed suit, this is America and they should learn our language. There was no wiggle room in their words.

Why does this sadden me? Because these people are not acknowledging American privilege. If one uses logic, facts, and thinks for a moment, if someone comes to America and does not know English, most likely this person is poor. Why is this my conclusion? Because many in other countries who have access to schools and education, learn English.

Also, even if education was accessible, it does not mean that the school had the ability to teach another language. There may not have been enough materials to teach their own language. There may not have been adequate bathroom facilities. 2.6 billion people do not have access to sanitation, meaning they have no kind of toilet whatsoever, be it a flush toilet, a pit latrine, etc.

Continuing on the education track, even if the person could speak English it does not mean the client can read English. There's a vast difference that should also be mentioned between speaking and reading a language.

So, the person comes to America most likely poor, most likely an adult, and scared. We don't take that in to account often enough. What a transition they must make from their previous home to America. I know it was different for me to move from Bismarck to Fargo. A whole new world, I can't imagine another country.

This person may also come to this country alone, no family, no close friends. Perhaps he or she is a refugee, praytell when should their English lessons have begun?

When I speak of American privilege that clouds our judgements, is that many assume there's adequate food, potable water, toilet facilities, free education, access to libraries, electricity, etc. This is not the case for many who come to this country seeking a better life.

Okay, so once they are here why can't they learn English? Have you ever been truly poor? Those people who made the comments I know have not. If you come to this country, poor, uneducated, or come from a country where your university system is not recognized to meet our standards, cannot even read in your own language, have kids to care for, are trying to earn money to send back home so people can eat, have access to medical treatments, etc, is your concern going to be learning the language? No. Survival versus leisure is a concept unknown to those people.

Perhaps they are working two jobs, more, may have poor health, have kids to care for, struggle to buy food, etc learning a language takes time and dedication. One would assume that just by being around the language it would sink in. This is not true. I've seen it, tried to over come that language barrier, and it's not such a simple task. Their precious hours of the day that are not spent trying to survive are probably spent doing those necessary acts, such as cleaning, eating, sleeping, etc. Plus, to learn a language as an adult is hard. Don't think so? Try it.

Also, how many Americans travel abroad each year and do not know the language? Thousands. But you say, they are merely visiting and don't need to know. How do you know this was not the case for some immigrants. They were merely visiting and found themselves a permanent home. I do not want to debate legal vs "illegal" immigration. Whatever means brought someone here, they are already here.

Many people are also embarrasssed to try and attempt to speak a language they are just learning. Stumbling over new letter sounds, unknown verb tenses, and nouns with plural endings that don't follow the rules.

It's funny, some of the most ardent "supporters" of everyone knowing English cannot speak nor write it correctly, themselves. I find this most funny of all.

Also, you can open a can of worms (did I mentions idioms are difficult to understand) by mentioning that until World War I many classroooms, churches, newspapers were in German. The only reason that language was abandoned was due to the hatred of the German nation during that time. Many of those people living in this region during that time did not speak nor read any English.

America also enjoys what other cultures have brought us, in tems of food, music, movies, etc. Yet we condemn those very people who bring them to us. I am all for bilingualism, however, it goes both ways. Americans need to also learn another language. Perhaps offer to teach someone who cannot speak English, help translate while they learn. Languages are not learned overnight. No one who commented also gave any room for the fact that maybe they are learning but haven't quite mastered it yet.

Anyway. Enough. I feel ashamed for those people who do not cut anyone but themselves any slack.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

I want to plan a garden this summer. Rows of green beans, stalks of corn sticking out of the black earth, watermelons crawling onto the grass and dimpling the lawn with their juicy, hefty weight. The yard was neglected last summer after Eric was diagnosed with leukemia. The weeds proved they are heartier and swalled up the flower beds. I fear a reprise of that, where it starts well with flowers blooming, green leaves soaking up the sun, and the weeds pulled, and then where there is nothing but weeds and dead leaves smothering everything else.

I fear the summer. I so want to enjoy the good things of summer, such as warm days, garage sales, taking pictures, walking Norris, but I am so scared of that looming month. I fear July. It's a month I'd rather skip. I was too out of it and worried, just trying to function to remember August. But July stands out, all the phone calls and the progression from worse to badder to even worse.

Knowing what I know now about July, I know how close I came to losing my boy. I know that while we can laugh now that he didn't know how to spell his own name or know his own date of brith, that he was encroaching on death. Perhaps, Eric was like a weed for Death, the man in black with the scythe, and Death was still on top of things in his yard. He pulled Eric out of his garden of doom and gloom and put him back into my life, made Eric a plant bloom before our eyes in a Hospital room in Minnesota. That's one garden that I will monitor closely, making sure Eric is healthy, nurished, well-grounded, surrounding my symbiotic relationships, and has the right amount of tender loving care.

So, maybe with these thoughts I can look forward to summer again, to allowing things to grow from the earth, and to knowing that even when it seems like it won't come back to life, it may surprise you.

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's a wash


Let's add some ethnic flair today. I think that's all I have in me, although I do dream in Spanish sometimes. It's very basic Spanish mixed with English, but it's fun. Keeps me a little fresh with another language at least.

Oh, so it's been a week. Work started out hectic with my manager having a load of crap dumped on her and while she was a trooper you could see the stress level rising. I felt bad, so I gave her a can of Coke. One tries to help when one can.

Also, my first boyfriend ever, Will, has his birthday on Sunday. He is officially 32. Man, the time flies! Sadly, his mom died a few days before that. Not a way to celebrate your birthday. So, far from what he's telling me he is being a trooper. Will is a super nice guy and I hope he finds a super nice girl some day. I was just not the girl for him. But we are texting friends thanks to the techonology of cell phones. So, please send him positive thoughts during this grieving process.

Our washing machine finally stopped working, kaput. We were able to get a new set, a washer and dryer, since our dryer sounds like an airplane, from Menards. Praise Menards! They had a sale going on and the no interest, no payments until 2010. However, the washing machine had a broken piece on it discovered after it was delivered. Not a huge deal, but we still don't have a working washing machine. And there is not laudromat in our small town. It's at least a twenty mile drive to one if not more. So, if you come over, it may be a bit smelly. Just kidding.

Also, when they delivered the washing machine, there was only one delivery driver. Eric had to assist with that, which left him whipped and sore. This is not how he should be recouperating. He is still slowing working into things. So, a little unhappy about that at the moment, but what can you do?

We also have company coming this weekend. So, I am hoping I can find some clean bedding in the linen closet. You know, none of our beds have the same size sheets. So, it's irritating to make sure that we have the correct sheets for the correct bed clean at whatever time.

You know, I think there's a reason I've always hated laundry. Anyway.

The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and I'm hungry. Have a great weekend ya'll.

Friday, March 06, 2009

It's a diet coke day

I do believe I had been abandoned by the blogging world. It is punishment for not posting enough. I also know that posting so infrequently punishes me. My creative juices don't get to flow, well they do, but just don't go anywhere. Then I wind up in this funk where I want life to be "different," adventurous," "new," and so on. But when those things actually happen, I'm terrified! The damming that occurs without blogging gets me flooded with emotion and I had no sand bags to stop the water.

Speaking of water, I need to check into flood insurance. They says it's going to happen again. So, I better call the insurance man and see if he'll take more of my money. I am sure he'd be more than happy to do so. I merely need to find more money to give him. Perhaps a second job? That idea is not appealing, but I will do what I have to do.

We could cut down on the amount of money we spend on television, but it's our only form of entertainment in the small town we live in. There's not much else to do, especially in the winter.

Well, this short blog is over. I hope every has a wonderful weekend. I'm unsure what mine will bring as The Boy is crabby. He's not feeling well again. Poor guy. Leukemia sucks.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hello Blog Land,

How is everyone out there?

You know, I have few wants in life, but one of my desires is to have internet access at home. Alas, this is not to be for now. Eric and I are struggling financially at the moment, but hopefully things will improve. It's a bit scary though when you hear the news of the economy. Makes one uncertain about nearly everything else in life.

Money is tight and so are my clothes. Another woe is that I have really packed on the pounds and I am unsure where it's come from and why? I think part of it is some of the medications I am on can cause weight gain. This seems a silly side effect for diabetes medication, but what can you do? So, starting next week Eric and I are going to attempt a healthier lifestyle. We'll see how that actually works in reality. But maybe if we do it together some good can come of it.

I am fairly certain I am about done with winter, but that's not really a choice we get is it? Another choice we do not get is whether or not we have CBS. Currently our dish carrier is fighting with the local station about how much money the local station should be paid. They have not come to an agreement yet and I am unsure they will any time soon. So, no Big Bang Theory for us. I blame the local affiliate. What they are asking for is rediculous. It's akin to me wanting to sell my house for real estate prices in New York City. Well, even with the down turn in the housing market, that just isn't realistic.

Eric has had a couple of bouts of illness, a virus which he received antibiotics for and a tummy bug. The medications he is on can cause a suppressed immune system so we must be diligent about keeping such pesky germs under control. It's not the same as just a regular person catching a cold or getting the flu. Nor is it the same when I clean the toilet knowing I may come into contact with chemo. Life changes and if either of us cared about my reproductive health, life would be a lot more difficult. But since we don't, we're a bit more lax about me coming into contact with that stuff (don't get dirty folks- that's a no no during chemo).

Well, I best be off. Head home on what may be an ice rink. The last time it was icy I saw a snow plow tipped over. One stays home after seeing that.

Monday, January 05, 2009

New and Not Improved

It's a time of firsts in my life.

This is the first time I have ever been engaged.

I also saw Andrew for the first time in two years. It was an odd feeling, but good also. I didn't know if he was alive, dead, or somewhere in between. I still care for Andrew as a friend and have often wondered about him. Now, I know. It seems Andrew likes status quo for he is nearly the same.

I will have my first pool table in my house. Eric received one from his parents for Christmas. A very welcome gift in Eric's mind. I was asked if I had room for one and I laughed, saying yes, we probably have room for three. I told this tidbit to Eric and he said, "Awesome. We could have pool tournaments in our basement." Um, no. We won't be.

I kissed someone at midnight for the first time in three years. It was nice to celebrate the evening, even if low-key. We spend the night in our basement playing games and then watching the ball drop.

I used a snowblower for the first time. I have not yet mastered straight lines, but in due time. Maybe not. I still don't mow straight. It's more out of overcoming boredom than it is out of being a poor lawn mower.

I have finally, for the first time, come to the realization of how important it is to have a winter survival kit in the car. I still don't have one, but I know it's important now. Baby steps, you know.

Another new item, I found a great clearance sale at K-Mart. This usually doesn't happen. The item usually ends up being more once you get it to the register than the tag stated.

So, what is new with you and your lives? Oh, and I have no New Year's resolution. I can't stick to anything. I'm just going with the flow. And that flow cleaned my kitchen, finally. So, perhaps the flow works.