Thursday, December 06, 2007

Welcome Back, Kotter

Oh, my blogger friends, how I have missed thee.

I do not have internet access at home and I don't feel safe or comfortable blogging from work. So, here I am at the library, finally having to scratch the itch to blog. I've had so many ideas, so many stories, and thoughts that I've wanted to share, but alas it has not be an option. But perhaps, I shall make more frequent trips to the library until I am once again connected to the cyberworld.

I shall just run down a list of updates in life.

We have the Christmas tree up and decorated, however the rest of the house does not look as put together as the tree. This is unfortunate as we are having a house guest next week for three or four days. This shall be interesting and I will have to remember not to walk around naked, not an image I am sure you all wanted, but it's the truth you crave.

My mom had another back surgery on Monday. She is doing all right and seems to be more lucid post-surgery this time around. Her previous surgery in June left her telling people very interesting things. Let's just hope that this lucidity also brings pain relief and brings her back to walking again.

I have a new job within the company that I was working for, and it has been interesting. There is a team of five of us and we had four days of training. After those few days, we were sent off on our own to work. It's been a little scary and stressful, but I think we're pulling together as a team.

I have so much to report that I don't have anything else t report lest this becomes overwhelming. I hope you are all well and I am sorry I haven't been keeping up on reading your blogs. I dearly miss my DSL.