Thursday, December 18, 2008

Blizzards have names?

It is that time again.

Time for me to blog. It happens so rarely.

Today is a day for joy, except I am not feeling it. I feel fat, bloated, ugly, and have not done my eyebrows in way too many weeks. I feel like a sasquatch.

However, I must prevail and summon up the happiness, for the occasion is ripe with pickings.

Today, The Boy was pronounced cancer free. He received great news from the Mayo Clinic and his Oncologist. It's fabulous. Now, he will start his two year maintenance regime.

Last Saturday, I got engaged. The Boy asked me to marry him, all right and proper, too. Down on one knee with a ring, purchased by a generous benefactor (his mom). He used a Scrabble board to propose. It was quite thoughtful and sweet. My ring did not fit and is being resized. I cannot find anything like it online so you will all have to wait until it's on my hand.

I found some excellent snowboots that have great grips in the slippery snow. This is not an easy task as for some reason those who manufacture and or design boots seem to not come from snow climates. I do not understand. Also, I am not ready to show for a swimsuit or sandals. Put those away and give me mittens and gloves until March. Really people.

I decorated my cubicle for the holiday season and while I did not win the decorating constest, I think I won anyway. The Boy and I spend hour cutting, coloring, and creating a winter snow people scene complete with Christmas tree, presents, hats, windows, stockings, and so much more. So, mine's better. Ha.

Well, that's all folks. I hope you enoyed today's reading. Until next time on... Reading Rainbow...

I love me some Lavar Burton.