Sunday, September 26, 2010

F is for Firsts

Hello out there in cyberspace!

Today is a list kind of day.

So, here are a lists of firsts...

1. I have already had my first cold of the season.
2. I finally used a rug I bought in June.
3. If all goes like planned, I will be attending my first football game and auction (as a buyer not a seller) this week.
4. My first car was a 1986 Chevy Celebrity sedan.
5. My first kiss was with Will W. 0n my bed in my apartment in Fargo (the blue apartments).
6. I planted my first hens and chicks in my flower bed. We'll see if I can make them grow.
7. In the back yard, I dug up all the tulips and threw them away. I can't stand how the things look after they bloom. All ragedy. This will be my first tulip free yard.
8. I slept on our futon in the spare room with it folded all the way out for the first time while I was sick.
9. We opened one of our basement windows for the first time since we have lived in this house.
10. I met someone who does not like Mexican food. I mean, I know people who don't like spicy Mexican food, but to dislike Mexican as a whole... that was a first.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

E is for Easy

So many things aren't easy in life. It ain't easy being green. It's not easy being this beautiful. But you know what is easy? Eating pie. That's actually how the well-worn phrase "Easy as pie" goes. It's "As easy as eating pie." Because making pie- is hard. Hell, even the frozen ones can turn out poorly.

Today, I easily upset the lawn mower by mowing over a metal pole and getting green fluffy stuff stuck around the blade. I easily ate two grilled cheese sandwiches and two delicious green pickles.

I do not easily type on this keyboard. At work I have an ergonomic keyboard, but at home it's just a regular one. And you know, I've never see an ergo keyboard at a garage sale. Never! They are expensive otherwise. I need a new computer. This one has seen better days but it saw me through some of the hardest academic days I've seen. So, thank you computer. :o)

This is a random post if I never saw one. Speaking of phrases that people get wrong, I hate the whole "I could care less" phenomena that is happening these days. Don't you realize that this means you do care somewhat? It's I couldn't or could not care less. This means you do not care at all and there is no possible way to care less. Get it right people. It's easy.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

D is for Drill


I nearly forgot about the alphabet project with all that has been going on. So, D is for Drill. Why Drill, you say? What kind of drill?

A power drill with its own carrying case, that is the kind of drill. And why? I received it as a Christmas present a number of years ago while I was in college. I wanted is so I could complete "home" improvement projects. This really consisted of putting up four shelves and I don't recall using it again. But it was the sense of empowerment the drill brought me. That if I needed to I could.

Another gift I received recently is not quite so useful and probably won't empower me. It's a violin and I really don't have much musical ability. So, we'll see how that goes. I attempted to play violin in the fourth grade, but could not find a way to tell my teacher that I couldn't read music. He kept telling me to look at the time signature, but what I didn't get was how I knew which line corresponded to which note.

So, this is where balance in life lies. Something to give you structure, power, the ability to destroy, and something to give you humility and the ability to create. So, I hope you all create something powerful and something dreamy. Isn't dreams that are often the most powerful?

I have a dream....