Hey all in Blogger world!
So much to tell, so little space to tell it...
We have another addition to our family. His name is Norris. He is a pure bred Chihuahua raised by The Boy's mom. Norris was part of the last batch of puppies The Boy's mom was having. He weighs a whole four pounds and has lots of fun with his sister Hurley. Though, Hurley does get a little too rough sometimes for such a little guy. He was the only puppy without a home, so The Boy and I adopted him. I think he's good for Hurley who is quite hyperactive. Norris is named after Chuck Norris. After all, a four pound dog needs a tough name.
We now have a full house and are enjoying the puppies quite a bit. My parents met their Grand-Puppies a couple of weekends ago and loved them.
A funny story to tell about them....
The Boy and I enjoyed the wonderful weather outside yesterday. We grilled, took down the storm windows, put up the screens, watched the puppies frolic in the yard, and sat in the sun. Whlie sitting there watching the puppies, I noticed Norris who was not on a leash wander off to the side of the house. When he came back to where I could see him, he had something in his mouth. Norris must have thought it a real treasure since he pranced in front of a leashed Hurley just like a prince flaunting his new pony, just out of her reach. However, Norris's "I have something great and you don't" attitude was too much for him to handle. He had to show it off to Hurley, who promptly stole it from him once Norris was in Hurley's reach. Curiosity finally got the best of me and I went over to where they were playing. The object of their affection and admiration was a turb, yes one of Hurley's dried up winter turds.
I took it away from them and they were no longer the royalty of refuse, they went back to being their old selves.
1 comment:
oh what a toot sweeet!
that face!
you're gonna have a pack before long!
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